What to Do with Pressed Flowers? Bringing Nature's Beauty into Your Life

Pressed flowers have a timeless charm that captivates both nature enthusiasts and craft enthusiasts alike. The delicate beauty of pressed blooms opens the door to countless creative possibilities. In this article, we'll show you what to do with pressed flowers.

pressed flowers dried flowers


The Art of Pressing Flowers

Pressing flowers is an age-old practice that involves carefully flattening and drying fresh flowers to preserve their form and color. It's a delightful and creative endeavor that allows you to capture the fleeting beauty of blooms and transform them into lasting pieces of art.

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How to Press Flowers?

Pressing flowers requires a gentle touch and patience. Here's a simple step-by-step guide on how to press flowers:

  • Choose fresh flowers in their prime.
  • Place the flowers between absorbent paper sheets.
  • Put the paper with the flowers inside a flower press or between the pages of heavy books.
  • Press the flowers for 2-4 weeks, replacing the paper if it becomes damp.
  • Once the flowers are completely dry and flattened, carefully remove them from the paper.

how to press flowers with easy tools


What to Do with Pressed Flowers?

Now that you have a collection of beautifully pressed flowers, let's explore various creative ways to use them in your life.

pressed flower clock for home decor(Handmade Pressed Flower Clock)


Artful Expressions

Pressed flowers are a favorite among artists and crafters for their ability to add a touch of nature to their creations. Whether you're an experienced artist or just exploring your creative side, here are some ways you can use pressed flowers to express your artistic talents:

(1). Pressed Flower Collages

Create stunning collages by arranging pressed flowers on canvas or paper. The vibrant colors and intricate details of the blooms make for eye-catching and visually appealing compositions.

pressed flower frame for home

(2). Botanical Illustrations

If you have a passion for botanical art, use pressed flowers as subjects for your illustrations. The flattened blooms provide an excellent reference for capturing their unique characteristics.

(3). Handmade Greeting Cards

Craft personalized greeting cards by adding pressed flowers to your designs. Your friends and family will appreciate the thoughtfulness of a handmade card adorned with natural beauty.

handmade greeting card with pressed flowers


Home Decor with a Natural Touch

Infuse your living space with the beauty of nature by using pressed flowers in your home decor. These ideas will help you create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere:

pressed flower table lamp

Pressed Flower Table Lamp for Home Ambient)


(1). Pressed Flower Coasters

Protect your tabletops in style by making pressed flower coasters. Coat the blooms with resin to create a durable and visually appealing surface for your drinks.

(2). Floral Wall Art

Transform your walls into a botanical wonderland by framing pressed flowers in shadow boxes or under glass. The result is a stunning piece of wall art that brings the outdoors in.

framed pressed flowers for wall decor

(3). DIY Floral Candles/Mugs

Enhance the ambiance of your home with DIY floral candles. Pressed flowers can be gently adhered to candles for a beautiful, natural touch. Or DIY mugs with pressed flowers to make you enjoy the moment whenever you use them.

handmade pressed flower mugs


Wearable Floral Beauty

Carry the beauty of pressed flowers with you wherever you go by creating your own floral-inspired accessories:

Resin Flower Jewelry

Design one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces by embedding pressed flowers in resin pendants, earrings, or bracelets. These accessories are both stylish and a celebration of nature's elegance.

handmade pressed flower jelwrey


Nature's Fragrant Touch

Pressed flowers aren't just visually appealing; they can also engage your sense of smell. Explore the aromatic side of pressed flowers:

Fragrant Potpourri

Blend pressed flowers with aromatic herbs and spices to create fragrant potpourri. Place it in decorative bowls around your home to enjoy a natural and pleasant scent.



Pressed flowers offer a unique opportunity to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. From artistic expressions to fragrant potpourri, the creative uses for pressed flowers are boundless. And whether you're a seasoned crafter or a nature enthusiast, these botanical treasures provide endless opportunities to celebrate the wonders of the natural world.